Flexotherm™ brand of heated vinyl blankets are water resistant and constructed of rugged, 18oz vinyl. Protected by GFCI and utilizing HeatGrid™ heating technology, heated vinyl blankets from Flexotherm™ are a positive temperature heating device as opposed to traditional heating technology. HeatGrid™ temperature increases over the first twenty minutes of operation while the electrical current decreases.
Flexotherm™ is experiencing increased demand for these products due to their efficiency, flexibility, and superior performance. The primary heated vinyl blanket types to choose from: 5 Gallon Flexible Pail / Bucket, 55 Gallon Flexible Drum / Barrel, 330 Gallon and 275 Gallon Tote Wraps and 330 Gallon DEF Tote Heated System.
Flexotherm™ also manufactures an innovative ground thaw, warming and curing blankets for any industry and also manufactures custom sizes and temperature specified blankets based on your needs. Call us today.